Frequently asked Questions

What types of injuries do you work with?

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Find a detailed list of injuries we treat on our Injuries page.

How long does it take to see results?

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Often with the neurological soft tissue therapy process, we can see some results immediately within the first evaluation treatment. Normally, once someone engages in the therapy program, they are seeing an upward trend that sees them getting significant relief from their pain within the first four sessions.

They typically experience this within one to two weeks. So usually someone's symptoms are greatly reduced unless they have an extremely acute injury or a significant amount of physical damage.

Several factors can contribute to how quickly someone sees results. These include how well do they follow through on recommendations given for things like posture, or other recovery factors like nutrition, sleep, stress, etc. Even though each person is different, there are predictable levels of progress that one would hope to see.

On rare occasion, if we are not seeing normal levels of progress, we will communicate to the client to let them know these levels of progress are less than we are expecting. Although this is infrequent, we are completely the advocates for the best interest of the client. If there is something unforeseen, or if there is more structural damage than someone was aware of, we may, based on the progress or lack thereof, be able to recommend someone with a great deal of confidence to the right move for what they need to recover to the best level they are capable of.

How many sessions does it take to keep results long term?

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This can differ from person to person. But we typically encourage you to go through at least two to three phases of therapy. The first phase is necessary for absolutely all clients and that is locating and re educating the sources of their issue. Typically, this takes about four sessions to work someone through to the necessary levels.

The second phase typically we are doing a lot of teaching on top of the rehabilitative strength work. So, if someone understands the concept of muscle memory (repeated use of a movement pattern creating neurological adaptation to continue that pattern more easily) they can understand why it is necessary to be consistent with the therapy process.

If you wanted to master the golf swing, you wouldn’t golf once a month or even once a week. You would want to do some level of practice frequently. Typically, we like to work with clients at minimum two times per week during their process to ensure that the muscle memory and movement patterns are consistently corrected and reinforced.

For someone to keep their results long term, there needs to be a combination of the neurological adaptations happening between the brain and the specific areas, as well as an awareness of how can that person change their movement and positioning and posture to allow them to keep their results long term.

This can differ for all people, but typically, we are confident of getting someone a lasting result within the first two to three phases of treatment. Usually we are not seeing someone again for the same issue. Nearly all of our clients develop the strength and learn enough about how to maintain their results during the process that they can keep them for lifelong success.

How does this program differ from physical therapy or chiropractic?

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Learn more about this on our Why Evo page.

Does neurological soft tissue therapy hurt?

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In the simple answer, it can be intense. However, people need to know that when it takes someone several years to create a chronic issue or if someone sustains an intense level of injury, they can’t expect the solution to their problem to be effortless.

All the work and intensity in the neurological soft tissue therapy process connects to enhancing the outcome and feeling the progress made by a direct result of your effort. Working through adversity to show to your own mind and body that you can handle stress in injured areas is often the exact solution to getting someone back to a true 100%.

For example, let’s consider a hockey player who tore their ACL months ago, but is still not confident in skating. When we go through the neurological soft tissue therapy process, some locations we find of neurological dysfunction can feel uncomfortable. Working through to allow them to fire properly again and engage properly can be a good amount of work.

However, during this work, the client is showing to themselves that they can skate again. They can lift weights again or jumping again, or resuming all the activities and handling at high levels of stress completely safely.

So, summarizing, does neurological soft tissue therapy hurt? No. It is intense. But sometimes intensity is exactly what’s necessary to get the true best outcome rather than doing the quick fix or taking the easy way out.

Does the electrical stimulator technology cause issues if I have an implanted rod/screw/plate in my body?

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No, there are no issues with implanted structural metal, but the current government regulations do specify that we are not able to work with clients who have implanted pacemaker heart devices.

Does Evo Performance Rehab accept my Health Insurance?

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As with many truly effective alternative therapies, we are not able to engage with conventional health insurance networks. However, we are able to accept Health Savings Accounts, Flexible spending accounts, and a large variety of self-payment options including payment installments. If you have been injured in an auto or work-related injury, we may be able to work with your auto insurance or work-comp insurance, but this may need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Recover with EVO

Each Neuro-Therapy process begins with a free phone consultation, followed by an in-clinic or virtual evaluation treatment session.

We walk you through the Neuro-Therapy process so you can see the significant differences that even one session can make.

This helps us find the best treatment plan for your lasting success.

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