Why Neuro-Therapy with EVO

Alternative To Traditional Treatments

Where Other Therapies Fall Short In Your Recovery

Most therapies focus on the physical symptoms of injuries, such as shifted vertebrae, strained tendons, or stuck fascia. For example, let's say you have damaged discs in your low back:

You may go to see...

A Physical Therapist

They may put you into spinal traction. They may give you back and abdominal muscle stretches and strengthening exercises. Learn more.

An Orthopedic Doctor

They may give you muscle relaxers. They might perform surgery to trim the herniated portion of the disc to reduce the symptoms of back pain and nerve pain. Learn more.

A Chiropractor

They may adjust your neck to cause less spinal compensation. They may set you up with foot-leveling orthotic inserts to level your hips. Learn more.

The Evo Difference

How We Help You Have A Quick and Lasting Recovery

Evo Performance Rehab's Neuro-Therapy is unique in that it focuses on the nervous system, the body's control center. For Evo, neurological dysfunction is the deeper underlying cause of these structural symptoms.

Now let’s say you come to Evo Performance Rehab.

We will assess your movement and perform a neurological search to find which areas have compromised neurological communication and the ability to absorb force.

Phase One

Locate and Re-Educate

Your movements may show that your hamstrings don't lengthen and contract well. In order to compensate for this, your back flexes and extends excessively when you lift something or bend over.

Your neurological search may show, for example, that your hamstrings aren't working enough and can't absorb force.

The treatment focuses on re-integrating your hamstrings into the movement patterns of what previously stressed out your back.

After just one or two sessions you can touch your toes with zero pain again!

Phase Two

Rehabilitative Strength

After phase one, the legs and hips are now working much better at supporting the low back and taking stress off of the area.

Now, strength development is happening in the previously inhibited areas and you are feeling the ability to move and exercise without making your back stressed.

By the end of phase two, you are mostly pain-free and your body is working for you and not against you!

When symptoms are the focus of treatment, a lot of time and energy can be wasted!

Phase Three

Resilience Training

This also clears the way for proper strengthening.

Many people can't get the most out of their physical therapy exercises because their bodies prevent them from using their muscles the way they're supposed to.

With Neuro-Therapy, we can correct this imbalance and make progress in tandem with your current therapies!

More than Just Treatment

We Have Unshakeable Belief In Your Potential

We know what gifts each of us has and the potential for assisting individuals in taking that first step, whether it’s psychologically, emotionally, with their habits, or with their treatment sessions.

Together, we’ll be able to help you create a breakthrough to the next level of functioning and have a better quality of life, one step at a time.

We are convinced that each of us is a miracle, and that we must hold each other, the client and the therapist, accountable for reaching our full potential, not just function and daily activities.

We want more for you.

Tyler points out weak link in hamstring
Our Process

Become pain-free In 3 Steps


One of our rehab specialists will be happy to talk with you during a free consultation call to learn more about your issues and determine if Neuro-Therapy is likely to benefit you.


If you live in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, you can visit any of our facilities and work with a Neuro-Therapy practitioner to complete an evaluation treatment.


Experience a personalized treatment plan that uses movement and specific neurological stimulation to retrain your nervous system to work in "inhibited" areas.

Success Stories

Faster, Longer lasting results than traditional treatments

Adam Bisek, Bodybuilder - Pec Tear Rehab

Adam Bisek, a bodybuilding physique competitor and personal trainer came to Evo Performance Rehab after he had his pec torn and surgically reattached. Adam went through our Neuro-Therapy process and drastically accelerated his recovery.

Normal time to being able to do pushups post surgery: 6 months
Adam's time: 6 weeks

Normal rate of regaining range of motion: 5 degrees per week
Adam's Rate: Full range of motion within 3 treatments.

Zavier Steward, Running Back - Ankle Rehab

Zavier is a talented Running Back, but recently had a knee surgery and a major ankle surgery. Zavier came to Evo Performance Rehab and is now far surpassed what he thought 100% would be for him and the function of his ankle.

Had an assessment with Tyler and was very happy with the results. He found the problem areas quickly and after doing some exercises with his knowledge and technology, immediate improvement was made with flexibility.

Nick Bartlett
Nick Bartlett
May 24, 2024

Started the winter with extreme rotator cuff/right shoulder pain. Began my concrete season this April with little to no pain whatsoever! Highly recommend Tyler and his EVO therapy.

Jon Schau
Jon Schau
May 2, 2024

After a knee surgery and weeks of seeing very little progress with PT, I was referred to Dominic and Evo Performance Rehab from a friend at my local gym. I am so happy I decided to make the switch. Dominic helped accelerate my recovery and got me back to doing things I love within a few short months.

Emily Gilbertson
Emily Gilbertson
May 1, 2024

Questions? We got you covered.

What types of injuries do you work with?

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Find a detailed list of injuries we treat on our Injuries page.

How long does it take to see results?

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Often with the neurological soft tissue therapy process, we can see some results immediately within the first evaluation treatment. Normally, once someone engages in the therapy program, they are seeing an upward trend that sees them getting significant relief from their pain within the first four sessions.

They typically experience this within one to two weeks. So usually someone's symptoms are greatly reduced unless they have an extremely acute injury or a significant amount of physical damage.

Several factors can contribute to how quickly someone sees results. These include how well do they follow through on recommendations given for things like posture, or other recovery factors like nutrition, sleep, stress, etc. Even though each person is different, there are predictable levels of progress that one would hope to see.

On rare occasion, if we are not seeing normal levels of progress, we will communicate to the client to let them know these levels of progress are less than we are expecting. Although this is infrequent, we are completely the advocates for the best interest of the client. If there is something unforeseen, or if there is more structural damage than someone was aware of, we may, based on the progress or lack thereof, be able to recommend someone with a great deal of confidence to the right move for what they need to recover to the best level they are capable of.

How many sessions does it take to keep results long term?

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This can differ from person to person. But we typically encourage you to go through at least two to three phases of therapy. The first phase is necessary for absolutely all clients and that is locating and re educating the sources of their issue. Typically, this takes about four sessions to work someone through to the necessary levels.

The second phase typically we are doing a lot of teaching on top of the rehabilitative strength work. So, if someone understands the concept of muscle memory (repeated use of a movement pattern creating neurological adaptation to continue that pattern more easily) they can understand why it is necessary to be consistent with the therapy process.

If you wanted to master the golf swing, you wouldn’t golf once a month or even once a week. You would want to do some level of practice frequently. Typically, we like to work with clients at minimum two times per week during their process to ensure that the muscle memory and movement patterns are consistently corrected and reinforced.

For someone to keep their results long term, there needs to be a combination of the neurological adaptations happening between the brain and the specific areas, as well as an awareness of how can that person change their movement and positioning and posture to allow them to keep their results long term.

This can differ for all people, but typically, we are confident of getting someone a lasting result within the first two to three phases of treatment. Usually we are not seeing someone again for the same issue. Nearly all of our clients develop the strength and learn enough about how to maintain their results during the process that they can keep them for lifelong success.

How does this program differ from physical therapy or chiropractic?

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Learn more about this on our Why Evo page.

Recover with EVO

Each Neuro-Therapy process begins with a free phone consultation, followed by an in-clinic or virtual evaluation treatment session.

We walk you through the Neuro-Therapy process so you can see the significant differences that even one session can make.

This helps us find the best treatment plan for your lasting success.

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